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Fleet Insurance for small businesses


Insuring your vehicles is one of the highest costs you will have in running your fleet.


Over several years of providing Telematics solutions to our customers, we have identified that businesses running a small fleet don’t always get the best deal on fleet insurance.


Telematics solutions, including vehicle tracking, driver behaviour monitoring, FNOL, First Notification Of Loss, and connected cameras have helped our customers reduce premiums through specialist insurance brokers.


Cubit, the insurance brokers we have worked with for our Telematics customers, understand the needs of a small fleet operator and even offer a premium fleet reduction program, helping your drivers improve their road sense.


They offer competitive fleet insurance policies for all types of fleets, even if you don’t yet have a Telematics system installed. Working with Cubit’s specially-selected and trusted panel of insurers will help you get the right policy for your fleet, whether you’ve got a fleet of vans or other types of business vehicles.


So if you have an insurance renewal due in the next few months why not let Cubit, our trusted insurance partner, see how they can help you save money.


What do you have to lose apart from lower insurance costs?


We can help drive down the cost of your fleet insurance