UK | Chase Side Enfield EN2 | 0203 859 4705

Firstly let’s say what we don’t do………

We don’t advise you and then pass on your details to multiple solution providers. We provide advice and solutions to meet your business needs.

Now that’s out of the way, what do we do……….

We provide services to assist companies to implement telematics, driver behaviour and safety solutions. Providing tangible operational and financial benefits.

A right-first-time approach.


Hers a Tip on Telematics Management Information

Services include:

      • Full end-to-end solutions. Vehicle tracking, video telematics, driver behaviour monitoring, driver assessment and training.
      • Helping you define a telematics and driver safety strategy across your business using our knowledge and expertise. Your business strategy is the first step towards a successful implementation.
      • Consultancy services for customer-specified projects. Proving access to industry specialists to support your telematics projects. Ranging from product management, technical expert witness services and technical data analysis, market analysis and operational reviews.
      • Expert Witness Services. Supporting Criminal Court cases and insurance litigation involving vehicle tracking and telematics. How telematics works, analysis of location and status data, location verifications.
      • Project Management. Ensures that the selected solution is delivered to specification and on time. Also that the customer has in place the operational procedures to take advantage of the solution from day one.

The “right-first-time” approach.

      • Operational reviews. Identify areas where improvements can be made. Making sure the original objectives are being achieved, recommending changes, as required, to ensure full value for money.


The range and scope of the services offered are always dependent on the customers’ requirements. We, therefore, recommend that you contact us for an initial confidential discussion to see where we can assist you.

See where this approach has worked: Customer Success Stories