Vehicle Tracking, Video Telematics and Driver Safety Solutions
Real-Time Tracking – Where are your vehicles?
Pinpoint the position of your vehicles
Follow them with Online Maps
Analyse their daily activity
Use vehicle tracking to track your vehicles in real-time, anytime, using any Internet-connected device. There is no need for additional software – everything is accessed over the web.
Vehicle tracking systems can help you save on fuel, cut fleet expenses, and improve your drivers’ safety and security.
Discover our Plug and Track and Connect & Track self-install solutions. Solutions for all requirements.
All our Telematics solutions come with inclusive consultancy services and implementation support.
All the benefits from day one.
Easy to Use Mapping
Key features are all available from the live tracking screen.
All of the key features of the real-time vehicle tracking system are available from the live tracking screen. Clicking on a vehicle gives you access to the following features:
● Daily Trip reports – a timesheet of a day’s activity, including jobs completed or deliveries made
● Route repays – a clear, colour-coded trace of the route taken between stops
● Zoom and follow – locks the display on that vehicle, and follows its journey
● Zoom to location – zooms to show the map detail around the vehicle, giving access to satellite, street view and traffic information (where available)
Daily Vehicle Activity & Timesheets
Available online and delivered by email.
Daily reports are presented in a clear, easy-to-read format. The day is split into separate trips and the level of detail in the report can be specified for each vehicle. Stops with the ignition on and short movements around a site can either be shown or filtered out.
Custom Location Names and Job References – adding your own custom address location names is an easy task. These names then replace the street addresses on your customised reports, making it easy to identify sites that you visit regularly.
Links to locations and routes – clicking on any place name takes you to a map showing that location, and the magnifying glass next to each trip takes you straight to the route display (Quartix functionality)
Route Replays
Clear, colour-coded journey reports
Vehicle tracking shows you all the journeys and routes taken on a day, with each way-point marked for direction and speed. Create your own ‘custom locations’ for regular customer sites to quickly see driver routes are within proximity of these locations. Click on the waypoints for more detail on speed or zoom to exact location.
The parts of the route where the national speed limit was exceeded are clearly displayed by indicating the national speed limit sign. ( Quartix functionality )
Driving Style
Saving fuel costs and reducing risk.
Reporting options include a comprehensive range of vehicle tracking reports and displays, helping you work with your mobile workforce to improve their driving style, reducing their risk of accidents and cutting fuel and Insurance costs simultaneously.
Vehicle tracking reports range from the daily driver briefing to the league table of driving scores which calculates total fleet performance during any period.
Driving Style League Tables
Compare driver behaviour scores across your entire fleet. Each driver is given a score based on their driving profile. Those who are taking too much risk will stand out on the Driver League Table in red. The best drivers will appear in green, and those in between will be amber.
Reports allow you to see acceleration and braking, and a simple click will take you to the exact location on Google Maps where the incident took place, allowing you to investigate further. ( Quartix example screen )
Daily Driver Briefing
Work with your drivers to improve driving styles and use data to show parts of their journey where they “lost” driver points, so they can review actual data and learn from experience.
The driver briefing report shows speeds for the day plus acceleration and braking profiles. To explore in detail the actual location of speeding or harsh braking incidents, it’s simple to click on the graph bars to see the Google Street View.
Driving Style Trends
Quickly identify any driving style concerns that may need immediate attention. Working with your drivers, you can determine if their style is improving over time – over the course of a month you might expect to see an impact – and incorporate this into performance reviews or reward schemes to encourage better driving.
Looking at the driving style over a month or longer, allows you to see if the manner is consistent and spot any trends such as for example, specific locations or specific days where speed scores are worse.
The data can be exported into a CSV file for further analysis.
Create Your Geofencing Zones
If your vehicles need to be either in or out of certain areas at defined times, geofencing can alert you in real time if ever those rules are broken. Get started by simply marking out the desired zone on our map with an easy drawing tool. We allow you to have unlimited geofencing zones.
Define mandatory or prohibited zones
Establish the rules for each zone. In mandatory mode, the vehicles must be inside the defined zone during the designated times; in prohibited mode, they must not enter the zone. For example:
A business owner wants to be sure that employees are not returning home during the working day.
Solution – Designate the driver’s home as a ‘ Named Location: Prohibited Zone’ on weekdays between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm.
Real-time alerts
If the geofencing rules are broken, an alert can be emailed so that the behaviour can be investigated and corrected right away, giving you another element of control over your fleet.
Safe Limits For a Safer Fleet
You can help keep your drivers safe and reduce loss ratios by using vehicle tracking solutions to attain detailed speed- and driving-style reports based on real-world data.
Using this knowledge, you can establish programs to reduce speeding, unsafe driving events and improve overall driver safety.
Driver Safety Vehicle Tracking solutions can score your drivers’ behaviour by examining ‘safe’ speed, as well as additional factors such as braking, acceleration, and driving hours.
Management Tools
A range of management and daily operational reports are available, on-line and emailed, to enable full analysis of a vehicle, driver or fleet performance.
And many more…………
Connected DashCam Integration.
Are you seeing the full picture?
Connected Cameras provide video recordings of a driver’s trips that can be downloaded and reviewed later.
Camera recording notifications appear within the software platform plus real-time alerts for critical incidents. Users can access the recordings taken by the camera in three ways:
Mobile App – Vehicle Tracking on the move
Vehicle tracking information on the move
The vehicle tracking mobile app enables users to view the real-time location of their vehicles and access the core features of the system whilst on the move. The app is free to download.
The vehicle tracking app offers three key features:
Vehicle List – a summary of all the vehicles to which the user has access, and their present location.
Live Tracking – shows the latest location of a chosen vehicle in real time, as well as other vehicles in the area. The vehicle can be selected to be ‘followed’ by the app, and the map screen will automatically be updated.
Trip Data – shows the trips carried out on any day over previous months.
Vehicle Daily Check List – Drivers can complete daily vehicle checks, add comments, and submit them to their manager.